Homeowner Maintenance Manual
S E C T I O N 4 — H OM E C OM P O N E N T S A N D T O P I C S
Standing Water Water may stand on exterior concrete slabs for several hours after precipitation or from roof run-off. Century Communities will correct conditions that cause water to remain longer than 24 hours, unless it is from run-off of melting ice or snow, a continuous rain, or precipitation and temperature levels that don’t allow water to evaporate.
CONDENSATION Homeowner Care and Maintenance
When warm, moist air comes into contact with cooler surfaces, the moisture condenses. Outside we see this as dew; inside you may see it as a layer of moisture on glass
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windows and doors. This condensation comes from high humidity within the home combined with low outside temperatures and inadequate ventilation. Family lifestyle significantly influences these conditions. Humidifier Operation
If your home includes a humidifier, closely observe manufacturer’s directions for its use. Instructions to turn the humidifier off during air conditioning season are typical. Moderate settings in winter can maintain desired comfort levels without contributing too much moisture to your home. You may need to experiment to find the correct level for your family’s lifestyle. Temperature Avoid setting your thermostat at extreme temperatures. Heating your home will cause the materials to dry out faster, generating more moisture into the air; drying the materials out too fast also increases shrinkage cracks and separations. Ventilation Develop the habit of using exhaust fans in bathrooms and over the stove. When weather conditions permit, open windows so fresh air can circulate through your home. Keep the dryer exhaust hose clean and securely connected. COUNTERTOPS Homeowner Care and Maintenance Use a cutting board to protect your counters when you cut or chop. Laminated Countertop Protect the counter from heat and from extremely hot pans. If you cannot put your hand on it, do not put it on the counter.
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