Homeowner Maintenance Manual
S E C T I O N 1 — C O N S T R U C T I O N O F YO U R H OM E
1 construction of your home
QUAL ITY STANDARDS The construction of a new home differs from other manufactured products and goods in several ways. As a consumer, you typically don’t have the opportunity to watch as the products you purchase are developed and finished. Our success in personalizing your home, however, depends on effective and timely communication of your choices.
Century Communities will build your new home to the quality standards as demonstrated in our model homes and the standards of the industry. However, each new home is crafted by hand and thus is a unique product. There are over 7,800 components in a home. As careful as we try to be, we are still dealing with many different materials, manufacturers and contractors. On occasion, there may be issues that arise during the construction of your home. We have internal procedures for inspecting our homes to ensure that the level of quality meets our requirements. In addition, the county, city or an engineer conducts a number of inspections at different stages of construction. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Changes in Materials, Products and Methods
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The new-home industry, building trades and product manufacturers are continually working to improve methods and products. In addition, manufacturers sometimes make changes that can impact the final product. For instance, appliance manufacturers generally make design changes every year. The model homes will show the appliances that were current at the time they were completed — they may be different in your home. In all instances, as required by your purchase agreement, any substitution of method or product that we make will be of equal or better quality than your original selection. Since such substitutions or changes may become necessary because of matters outside our control, we reserve the right to make them without notification.
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