Lot 110 | Weddington Pointe - The Meadows

Charlotte Exterior Color Collections

Charlotte Exter r Color Collections

January 4, 2019 March 23, 2021


Scheme #74-A “Classic Farmhouse”

Scheme #64-A “Pewter Cast”

Shingle Roofing Tamko 3-Tab Weathered Wood

Shingle Roofing Tamko 3-Tab Weathered Wood

Metal Roof (per plan) Spectra Black

Primar Pewter SW 767 Gutter Downs Clay Metal Spectra Black Porch Greenb Alside Antique Trim Toque W SW 700 Garage Wayne Almond

Gutters & Downspouts Almond

Primary Siding Toque White SW 7003

Porch Ceiling: Vintage Greenbriar Beaded Soffit Alside Antique Parchment

Painted Shutters & Entry Door Mount Etna SW 7625

Painted Shutters & Entry Door Black Magic SW 6991

Trim Toque White SW 7003 Garage Door Wayne Dalton Almond

Secondary Siding Toque White SW 7003

Secondary Siding On the Rocks SW 7671

Brick Veneer Triangle Northampton Mortar Color Gray **See note below

Brick Veneer Triangle Old Colony Mortar Color Gray **See note below



Please Note: Colors are reproduced using printing inks, not actual paint. Always select colors from the manufacturer’s color card for best representation of actual color. Colors may vary slightly in actual use due to the area, sheen, surface, applications or lighting. **Brick image may not reflect actual mortar selection. See actual mortar sample for accurate color. Please Note: Color are reproduced using printing inks, not actual pai t. Always elect colors rom the manufac urer’s color card for actual color. Colors may v y slightly in actual use due to the area, sheen, surface, applications or lighting. **Brick image may not reflect actu l mortar selection. S e actual mortar sample for accurate color.

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