Pick Your Neighbor!

Refer A New Homebuyer & Receive $500* Friends Make the Best Neighbors!

Neighborhood block parties and front porch hangouts will never be boring when your friends become neighbors! If you are in the process of purchasing or already own a Century Communities Colorado home, and you refer someone you know, we’ll pay you if they buy!

Just register referrals by their first visit and a s our way of saying thanks, we will send you a check!

1. FILL OUT THE REFERRAL FORM, on or before your referral’s first visit. 2. DROP IT BY your nearest sales office or have your referral bring it with them on their first visit. 3. COLLECT A COMMUNITY SALES MANAGER’S SIGN-OFF at the time of contract to purchase a Century Communities home, remind your referral to have an on-site Community Sales Manager sign and date the form. 4. COLLECT YOUR REWARD! When your referral closes on their Century Communities home, we’ll send you a check for $500*. Please allow 6–8 weeks for delivery.

See reverse for referral form and additional details > Offer cannot be combined with a co-broker commission.

RE FERRAL I NFORMAT I ON Your Name __________________________________________________________________ Phone ______________________________________________________________________ Your Address __________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________State _____________ Zip ______________ Your Email ___________________________________________________________________ Referral Name ________________________________________________________________ Community of Interest ___________________________________________________________ Referral Address _______________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________State _____________ Zip ______________ Community Sales Manager _______________________________________________________ Community Sales Manager Signature_______________________________________________ Date ____________________

*To be eligible for the referral fee you must accompany friend or family member and register friend or family member on their first visit to the sales center. Only one person will be paid a referral fee per buyer and the fee will not be paid unless the buyer contracts on a Century Communities home in Colorado by 12/31/2023. Person making referral may not participate in the negotiation of the home sale. Namedropper Referral Fee applies to participating Century Communities neighborhoods and cannot be combined with a co-broker commission. Since Seller reserves the right to modify or discontinue this program at any time without notice, please call the applicable sales center in advance to confirm that the program is still in place. Persons in photos do not reflect racial preference and housing is open to all without regard to race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin. Prices, plans, and terms are effective on the date of publication and subject to change without notice. Depictions of homes or other features are artist conceptions. Hardscape, landscape, and other items shown may be decorator suggestions that are not included in the purchase price and availability may vary. ©03/2023 Century Communities, Inc. CenturyCommunities.com/Colorado

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