Senna Digital Brochure

Included Features Included Features


SENNA EXTERIOR FEATURES (CONTINUED) • Landscaping package includes shrubbery and trees (based on predetermined design) • Side yard includes crushed limestone • 6' wooden privacy fence with side gate • Included one Progress Lighting© coach light • Fiber cement siding (per elevation) • Garage door opener with two remotes STRUCTURAL FEATURES • Professional 10-year Limited Structural Warranty • 2-year Mechanical Warranty • 1-year Limited Workmanship Warranty • Individually designed, engineered and inspected post-tension foundation system • 3/4" Sub-floor material on two-story plans • 25-year 3-Tab shingles • Borate termite treatment on first floor walls • Massey Services – Pest Prevention Plus • Inspections by 3rd-party companies or city municipalties

CENTURY HOME CONNECT 4 Device standard package includes: • Ecobee Smart Programmable Thermostat • Eero wireless mesh router • Schlage® Front Door Electronic Lock • Qolsys IQ Panel (location per plan)


• One 40-gallon electric water heater (per plan) • Low–E3 double paned, insulated vinyl windows • R-6 insulated flex duct on A/C and Heating systems • R-13 Batt insulation in exterior walls • R-19 Batt insulation in attic knee walls • R-38 Blown in fiberglass insulation in attic • Radiant Barrier Roof Decking • LED light bulbs in all non-fluorescent light fixtures • Filtered intake system and media filter • Roof ridge ventilation and attic air vents (per plan) • Base plates sealed to foundation • Pre-plumb water softener loop • Energy Inspections by 3rd-party companies

• PEX, non-corrosive water supply lines • Engineered floor truss system (per plan)

Century Home Connect devices installed in your home that are connected to the internet, may collect information about you and your use of the device. This automated informationis collected,used and analyzed by the third-party providers of the devices and is governed by the terms, conditions, policies and practices of such th-piradrty providers only. Seller recommends that you carefully review youragreementswith, and other terms and conditionspublished by, these third-party providers. Seller does not collect any informationfrom these devices about you or your use of the devices. FOLLOW THE MANUFACTURERS’ INSTRUCTIONS ON YOUR SMART DEVICES REGARDING SECURITY AND/OR PRIVACY CONCERNS. Purchaser is responsible for configuring all security features. Seller does not warrant or representthat any Seller installed “smart” devices or network devicesaresecureor can preventall privacyintrusions,malware,or cyber-at tacks,evenwhencorrectlyconfigured.Purchaser for himself,or herself,and his/hersuccessors and assigns herebyagrees to assumethe risk of use of the CenturyHome Connectdevices,any devices,products,or appliancespurchasedthrough Best Buy or its affiliates, and releases Seller and its members, managers, officers, employees, affiliates, agents, successors and assigns from any and all costs, expenses, damages, liabilities and claims arising from or related thereto.Certainproductsand servicesare providedby third parties,and not Seller.Seller does not guaranteeany equipmentor servicesprovidedby third parties.Sellerdisclaims any warranty of any kind, express or implied, relating to Century Home Connect devices, including without limitation, any warranty of use, fitness of use, workmanship, or quality. Seller’s dicslaimerof warrantiesdoesnotlimitor otherwiseaffectthewarrantyof any manufactureror theinstaller.If a CenturyHomeConnect product malfunctions, or is otherwise defective, Purchaser agrees to follow the procedures in the applicable manufacturer’s warranty documents. No affiliation, or sponsorshipis intendedor impliedwith,Nexia,Google,or BestBuyandall trademarks areownedby the respectivetrademarkowners.GoogleHome Hub andGoogleHome Mini are trademarksof Google LLC. Devices may not arrive in original or retail packaging and are not intended for individual resale. Prices, plans, and terms are effective on the date of publication and subject to change without notice. ©2024 Century Communities. Effective for Starts after 0 7 .01.2024 |210. 504.3020

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