Lot 138 | Weddington Pointe - The Meadows

WEDDINGTON POINTE Community Information

UT I L I T I ES Water/Sewer Union County Public Works 704-296-4210 | UnionCountyNC.gov Gas Piedmont Natural Gas 800-752-7504 | PiedmontNG.com Electric Union Power Cooperative 704-289-3145 | Union-Power.com Internet/Cable Spectrum 855-219-0205 | Spectrum.net Trash Waste Collections Established through HOA HOA Cusick Management 704-544-7779 Katelyn Garbarino kgarbarino@cusickcompany.com

SCHOOLS Union County Public Schools 704-296-9898 | ucps.k12.nc.us Shiloh Valley Elementary School 704-296-3035 Sun Valley Middle School 704-296-3045 Sun Valley High School 704-296-3020 EMERGENCY/ LOCAL / MEDICAL : Emergency 911 United States Postal Service 704-283-2565 Atrium Health Union 980-993-3100 Bakers Volunteer Fire 704-289-2741

VETER INAR I AN: Indian Trail Animal Hospital 704-821-7040 Sun Valley Animal Hospital 704-283-8356 L I BRARY: Union County Public Library 704-283-8184 Union West Regional Library 704-821-7475

CenturyCommunities.com | 704.216.1665

Persons in photos do not reflect racial preference and housing is open to all without regard to race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin. Century Communities does not represent and cannot guarantee to potential buyers that the project will be serviced by any particular public school/school district or, once serviced by a particular school/school district, that the same school/school district will service the project for any particular period of time. Schools that your children are eligible to attend may change over time. You should independently confirm which schools and districts serve the project and learn more information about the school district’s boundary change process prior to executing a purchase contract. Square footage/dimensions shown is only an estimate and actual square footage/dimensions will differ. Buyer should rely on his or her own evaluation of useable area. Depictions of homes or other features are artist conceptions. Hardscape, landscape, and other items shown may be decorator suggestions that are not included in the purchase price and availability may vary. Plans to build out this neighborhood as proposed are subject to change without notice. ©01/2021 Century Communities, Inc.

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