National Warranty manual



We’re here for you! We’re available to answer your questions or concerns.

No one can deny the excitement and thrill of purchasing a new home. At Century Communities, we want to give you an opportunity to see your homesite during construction. While our jobsites are not open to the public, we have to set guidelines for your safety and the safety of others.

Q: Who’s my best point of contact before Close of Escrow? A: Your Sales Manager is best! After move-in, a construction manager or customer relations manager will take care of your service needs. Q: Can I move my furniture into my home before I close? A: Unfortunately, it’s something we don’t allow. Our trades access houses before COE, in order to perform touch-ups; therefore, we would not be able to ensure the security of your furniture. Until the home officially closes, personal belongings cannot be placed in the home.

Q: Please summarize my warranty coverage.

Your sales manager cannot escort buyers during active construction. Only the Construction Manager is permitted to do so. Additionally, our sales team is not authorized to allow unsupervised visits.

A: Century Communities offers a fit and finish warranty. Beyond that, Century Communities stands behind its workmanship per the requirements of your state.

For your safety, a Construction Manager will escort you onto the site. An appointment is necessary to visit the site so that we can ensure that we have hard hats for those on contract. Please -- no open-toed or soft sole shoes are permitted. And, while small children are welcome at our model homes, an active jobsite is not a safe place for children (temporary guardrails are insufficient to prevent a child from falling through temporary barriers, wires may be energized, and other unsafe conditions).

Q: Is my warranty transferable?

A: Yes! It’s fully transferable to subsequent buyers.

If you’re on our site without a Century escort, our team is required to ask you to leave the active construction site in order to ensure your safety.

Q: Will I receive maintenance info & copies of my manufacturer’s info? A: Yes! We provide manufacturer and registration material. Production information is also available online..

Your safety is our priority.

Q: May I visit my home site during construction?

Q: What’s the best way to make a service request?

A: As jobsites pose many hazards, visits are not allowed. Your sales manager can address any specific scenarios where you may be permitted into the home.

A: Through our website is best!

Q: Can I just call someone in the field directly for warranty requests? A: While you can, we’d encourage you to go through our website. It’s our desire to capture all service requests through our system so that we have accurate records of all requested service.

Q: May I visit the home by myself so I don’t have to inconvenience the team?

A: For your safety, unescorted visits aren’t permitted.

Did you know?

The average home will have over 7,000 items when fully installed, most of which is hand assembled!



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