National Warranty manual

of an inch at the seams. Wallpaper that does not meet this standard will be repaired or replaced. Note: Wallpaper installed on model homes is not covered under Century Communities’ Warranty.

F. Trim is not flush to drywall or at joints At the time of substantial completion of the home, openings at joints in trim and moldings, and at joints between moldings and adjacent surfaces, will not exceed 1/8” in width. Trim that does not meet this standard will berepaired on a one-time basis Trim is cracked or split Cracks or splits in trim boards should not exceed 1/8th of an inch. Trim boards that do not meet this standard will be repaired or replaced on a one-time basis. Trim surface shows nail holes, hammer marks or other imperfections Settingnailsandfillingholesareconsideredpartofpaintingandfinishing. After finishing, nails, holes, andhammermarkswill not be readilyvisible froma standing position facing the surface at a distance of 6’ under normal lighting conditions. Trim surfaces that do not meet these standards will be repaired. Repair work performed by Century Communities If drywall, paint or trim repair work is performed by Century Communities, we will restore the repaired surface to the original color and texture. Repairedwalls and trimwill be repainted from corner to corner. In the event that wallpaper installed by Century Communities must be replaced, Century Communities will attempt tomatch the original wallcovering. PART 7: ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS A. Smoke detectors Smoke detectors are consumer products and are not covered under the Century Communities’ Warranty. If a smoke detector does not perform to the manufacturer’s specifications during the fit and-finish warranty period, please consult your Customer Relations Team for assistance in contacting the manufacturer or local distributor.  TIP: Mostsmokedetectorsarepoweredbythehome’selectricalsystemandincludea batteryback-up,so protection is not lost duringan electrical outage.Homeowners should regularly test smoke detectors and replace batteries as recommended. Data, security, phone and audio/video wiring systems Telephone, audio/video, data and security wiring systems installed by Century Communitiesshouldfunctionas designedundernormaloperatingconditions.Wiring systemsthatdonotmeetthedesignstandardswill be repaired orreplaced. Systems installed by anyone other than Century Communities and modifications to G. H. I. B.


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