National Warranty manual
S E C T I O N 3 — P R E - C L O S E O R I E N TAT I O N
3 pre-close orientation
The purpose of your Pre-Close Orientation (PCO) is to familiarize and welcome you to your new home. We schedule the PCO with you as your home nears completion, with the actual PCO occurring a few days prior to your closing. Appointments are available from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Monday through Friday. We will meet you at your new home at the scheduled time. You will want to allow at least two hours to properly complete your orientation. We take a hands-on approach during your orientation, so please wear comfortable clothing and closed toe shoes. During the PCO, we will follow an established procedure (as indicated on the PCO checklist) and systematically go through the home to ensure that we cover each item thoroughly. Many of your new home’s features, including the appliances, GFCIs on the outlets, flip breakers, and doors and windows, will be demonstrated and tested. This step will help reassure you that everything is in working order and help you to remember important details about the operation of your new home. We will also review any maintenance requirements and the limited warranty. WHO ATTENDS THE PCO? Century Communities’ experience shows that the Pre-Close Orientation is most beneficial when only the purchaser(s) attend. This type of environment will allow you to focus your attention on your new home and the information presented, without any distractions from any other parties who are excited to tour your new home. We ask that children or pets do not accompany you at this orientation. If a real estate agent assisted you in the purchase, he or she is welcome but not required to attend. OUR COMMITMENT The overall workmanship of your new home should be of equal or better quality than that shown in our model homes. We will list any items as exceptions that we mutually agree need further attention, and schedule the appropriate work. We will do our best to complete all items at the PCO prior to the closing of your home. We will also schedule an appointment to sign off on PCO items the day before or just prior to your closing. If you visit the home a day or two prior to your orientation, you may notice details that need attention. During the last couple of days, many trades people and Century Communities employees will be making minor adjustments and fine-tuning your home. These finishing touches are normal and cannot be performed until all the parts and pieces have been installed and tested. What seems like a rush of construction activity is a normal part of the construction process.
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