National Warranty manual
S E C T I O N 5 — H OM E C OM P O N E N T S A N D T O P I C S
This can cause potentially severe problems such as wet basements, cracks in foundation walls, and floor slab movement. Avoid this through proper installation of landscaping and good maintenance of drainage. Keep downspout extensions in the down position to channel roof runoff away from the foundation area of your home. Routine inspection of downspouts, backfill areas and other drainage components is an excellent maintenance habit.
See also”Grading and Drainage” on page 5.24.
Bark or Rock Beds Do not allow edging around decorative rock or bark beds to dam the free flow of water away from the home. You can use a non-woven landscape fabric between the soil and rock or bark to restrict weed growth while still permitting normal evaporation of ground moisture. Erosion Until your yard is established and stable, erosion will be a potential concern. Heavy rains or roof runoff can erode soil. The sooner you restore the grade to its original condition, the less damage will occur. Erosion is of special concern in drainage swales. If swales become filled with soil runoff, they may not drain the rest of the yard, causing further problems. Correcting erosion is your responsibility. You may need to protect newly planted seed with erosion matting or reseed to establish grass in swales. It can take several years to fully establish your lawn in such challenging areas. Hired Contractors You are responsible for changes to the drainage pattern made by any landscape, concrete, deck or pool contractor. Discuss drainage with any company you hire to do an installation in your yard. Do not permit them to tie into existing drainage pipes without approval from Century Communities. You will be held responsible for any damages to your neighbor’s yard as a result of drainage alterations. Natural Areas During construction, we remove construction debris from natural areas. Removing dead wood, tree limbs, fallen trees or other natural items is your responsibility. Planting Locate plants and irrigation heads out of the way of pedestrian or bicycle traffic and car bumpers. Space groves of trees or single trees to allow for efficient mowing and growth. Group plants with similar water, sun and space requirements together. Plant Selection Plant with regard to your local climate. Favor native over exotic species. Consider ultimate size, shape and growth of the species.
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