National Warranty manual
S E C T I O N 5 — H OM E C OM P O N E N T S A N D T O P I C S
Stones The soil in your area may have stones and rocks. Removing these naturally occurring elements is a maintenance activity. If Century Communities installs seed or sod, large rocks will be picked up and surface raking performed. You will need to provide continued attention to this condition as you care for your yard. In a new yard it is normal for rock to work their way to the surface after it has been final graded and raked. These rocks are your responsibility. Trees Trees and other plant materials that exist on the lot when construction begins and are not part of any landscaping installed by Century Communities are excluded from warranty coverage. Utility Lines A slight depression may develop in the front lawn along the line of the utility trench. To correct this, roll back the grass, spread topsoil underneath to level the area, and then re lay the grass. Before any significant digging, check the location of buried service leads by calling the local utility locating service. In most cases, wires and pipes run in a straight line from the main service to the public supply. Waiting to Landscape If you leave bare soil without landscaping or ground cover, it erodes. Correcting erosion that occurs after closing is your responsibility. Weeds Weeds will appear in your new lawn whether seed or sod is used and if your yard is left un-landscaped, it will quickly begin to show weeds. When soil is disturbed, dormant seeds come to the surface and germinate. The best control is a healthy lawn, achieved through regular care including fertilization, pest and weed control on an annual maintenance program. Century Communities Limited Warranty Landscape materials we install are not warranted. We will confirm the healthy condition of all plant materials during the orientation. Maintaining landscaping is your responsibility. See also “Easements” on page 5.15.
Homeowner Use and Maintenance Guidelines Cultured marble is a modern product, which adds style to your home. Proper maintenance of cultured marble is similar to the maintenance needs of fine wood. Remove spills immediately to avoid stains. Do not use abrasive cleaners on your cultured marble counter tops. Most food and drinks are acidic and can etch the finish on the marble. Do not place any items, which may scratch the surface directly onto the counter top.
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