National Warranty manual
S E C T I O N 5 — H OM E C OM P O N E N T S A N D T O P I C S
Raised Nail Heads Raised nail heads are the result of movements of the floor joist caused by natural shrinkage and deflection. We have used special nails and glued the underlayment to help minimize this movement. If a nail head becomes visible through resilient flooring, place a block of wood over it and hit the block with a hammer to reset the nail. Scrubbing and Buffing Frequent scrubbing or electric buffing is harder on floors than regular foot traffic. Use acrylic finishes if you scrub or buff. Seams Any brand or type of resilient flooring may separate slightly due to shrinkage. Seams can lift or curl if excessive moisture is allowed to penetrate them. You can use a special caulking at tub or floor joints to seal seams at those locations. Avoid getting large amounts of water on the floor from baths and showers. Century Communities Limited Warranty Guidelines We will confirm that resilient floor covering is in acceptable condition during your orientation. Century Communities limited warranty does not cover damage to resilient floors caused by moving furniture or appliances into the home. We can assist you in contacting professionals who can repair such damage if it occurs in your home. Century Communities is not responsible for discontinued selections. Adhesion Resilient floor covering should adhere. Century Communities will repair lifting or bubbling and nail pops that appear on the surface. Homeowner Use and Maintenance Guidelines The shingles on your roof do not require any treatment or sealer. The less activity your roof experiences, the less likely it is that problems will occur. Clean Gutters Maintain the gutters and downspouts so that they are free of debris and able to quickly drain precipitation from the roof. Ice Dam On occasion, depending on conditions and exposure, as rising heat from inside your home melts snow on the roof, the water runs down and when it reaches the cold eaves, it may freeze. An accumulation of this type of ice dams the subsequent runoff and the water begins to back up, sometimes working its way up and under shingles, ultimately leading into your home through windows or ceilings. Leaks If a leak occurs, try to detect the exact location. This will greatly simplify finding the area that requires repair when the roof is dry. ROOF
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