National Warranty manual
coverage under this Warranty. For example, there is no construction defect if the cause of the defect is the failure to perform maintenance. (B) Component . The term “component” means an item that was incorporated into the construction of your home by us, other than items specifically excluded by this Warranty. The term does not include items added to the home after the Warranty commencement date, such as improvements to the home or furniture. (C) Warranty commencement date . The term “Warranty commencement date” is the date we initially closed the sale of the home to the first buyer. (D) The term “home” means (i) A single-family dwelling, or (ii) one unit in a two-or more unit structure in which each unit may be conveyed separately. (E) The term “you” or “your” refers to the homeowner. 2.2 Warranty and coverage periods . (A) Fit and finish. We warrant from the Warranty commencement date until one year after the Warranty commencement date against faulty workmanship or defective materials that result in the failure of a fit and finish component to comply with an applicable performance standard. The performance standards are attached to this Warranty. “Fit and finish” components are those components identified in the fit and finish section of the performance standards as being covered for one year. (B) Structural Defect protection . Century Communities warrants that your home will be free from Structural Defects from the Warranty commencement date until Century Communities’ liability expires under the statute of repose in the state where the home is located, or ten years, whichever is shorter. (i) A Structural Defect is defined as actual physical damage to the designated load-bearing elements of the Home caused by failure of such load-bearing elements which affects their load-bearing functions to the extent that your home becomes unsafe, unsanitary, or otherwise unlivable. This is coverage for catastrophic failure of load-bearing elements of your home. The designated load-bearing elements that are covered under the Structural Defect Warranty are: • Footings and Foundation systems; • Beams; • Girders; • Lintels; • Masonry Arches; • Columns; • Load-bearing walls and partitions; • Roof framing systems; and • Floor system.
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