National Warranty manual

Wood framing systems will expand and contract as a result of curing and changes in weather conditions. These changes can occasionallyproduce squeakswhena floor or stair is walked on. Squeaks that result from this condition are not considered construction defects and are not covered under the Century Communities’ Warranty. Railing is loose Railings should be securely attached to solid framing. Some minor movement of railing can be expected and is not considered a construction defect and is not covered under the Century Communities’ Warranty.Railing that does not meet this standard will be repaired. Wall is out of plumb Wallsshouldnotbeoutofplumbbymorethan3/4thsofaninchoveraneight-footspan. Wallsthatdo not meet this standardwill be repaired. Wall is bowed Walls should not bow by more than 1/2 of an inch within any 32-inch horizontal measurement or 1/2 of an inch out of line within any eight-foot vertical measurement. Walls that do not meet these standards will be repaired. Roof sheathing Roof sheathing shall not bow by more than 1/2 of an inch over a two-foot span. Roof sheathing that does not meet this standardwill be repaired. B. C. D. E. Your heating and cooling system was designed to meet the heating and cooling standards of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA). The heating and cooling system should meet the Performance Standards described below. Thecoolingsystemshouldmaintainaninteriortemperatureof78degreesor lowerwhenoutdoortemperaturesdonotexceed95 degrees. When outdoor temperature exceeds 95 degrees, the cooling system should maintain an indoor temperature that is at least 15 degrees below the outdoor temperature. The heating system should be capable of producing an indoor temperature of 70 degrees. Temperature variations between rooms and between floors should not exceed 4 degrees. All temperatures should be measured from five feet above the floor in the center of any room. Many heating and cooling components are consumer products and are not covered by the Century Communities’ Warranty. If the heating or cooling system does not perform to these specifications during the fit-and-finish warranty period, please consult your Customer Service Team for assistance in contacting themanufacturer or local distributor. See “Part 1: Appliances - Consumer Products” for additional warranty information.

PART 13: HEATING, VENTILATION AND COOLING SYSTEM A. System does not heat or cool sufficiently


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